
Power Markets are Dynamic and so is Energy Consumption

Our Approach

Demand Side Management

Utilizing Smart Grid technology and Load Control Strategies

Clients can lower costs by shifting consumption according to price signals or market conditions and enroll in demand response or grid rebate programs.  Some energy assets that can leverage these strategies are Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and Thermal Mass Storage.   Other distributed generation assets such as a backup generators or solar can also be leveraged as well. Energy contracts can be structured to take advantage of these strategies.

Supply Side Management

Procure Energy That Matches Your Load Profile

Let us help you structure an energy contract that can be optimized to your load profile or Demand Side Management strategies.  We can also help you get money back by participating in grid rebate programs or manage the individual components of your utility bill.  We will also review your bills to make sure you are getting the contractual rates you committed to and paying the appropiate sales tax.

Demand Reduction

Lower Your Demand by Improving Efficiency

Permanently reduce your utility bills by investing in efficiency.  Let us help you find quick and easy strategies to reduce consumption.  LED lighting provides very favorable returns and is very easy to retrofit.  Solar Photo-voltaic costs have come down and along with incentives can provide a 8-10 year payback.  There are also Grid, Utility, State and Federal incentives that you can earn by implamenting efficiency.